Blog,  Travel

Essential Packing List: Conquering Your Vacation, One Suitcase at a Time!

Packing for a vacation can feel like a daunting task, especially when you factor in different travel styles. But fear not, fellow adventurers! This essential packing list will help you conquer your suitcase, whether you’re a solo explorer, a loved-up couple, or a family with an entourage of little ones.

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General Essentials (for all travelers):

  • Documentation: Pack your passport (if applicable), visas, travel insurance information, and copies of important documents (like IDs and tickets).
  • Clothing: Consider the climate of your destination and pack versatile pieces you can mix and match. Don’t forget comfy walking shoes, layers for changeable weather, and a swimsuit if needed.
  • Toiletries: Pack the essentials – toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, and sunscreen. Consider travel-sized containers to save space.
  • Electronics: Bring your phone, charger, and any adapters or converters needed for your destination. Entertainment for the journey, like a book or downloaded shows, is a lifesaver.
  • First-Aid Kit: Pack basic medications (like pain relievers, allergy meds, and stomach soothers) and bandages for minor scrapes.
  • Valuables: Keep your cash, credit cards, and important documents secure in a money belt or hidden pouch.

Solo Adventurers:

  • Security: Pack a small personal lock for lockers or hostel dorms. Consider bringing a photocopy of your passport and itinerary to leave with someone at home in case of emergencies.
  • Entertainment: Pack a good book, headphones, or a journal to keep yourself occupied during downtime.

Couples Getaway:

  • Shared Packing: Coordinate your outfits to create a cohesive “travel capsule wardrobe.” Pack a shared first-aid kit and toiletries bag to save space.
  • Romance Essentials: Don’t forget a deck of cards or a small travel game to add some fun to evenings. If you’re traveling internationally, don’t forget your birth control of choice. Standards vary by country so bring what you prefer.

Family Adventures:

  • Kid-Sized Essentials: Pack enough comfortable clothes, diapers (if needed), wipes, and familiar snacks for the journey. Don’t forget a refillable water bottle for each child.
  • Entertainment Arsenal: Pack coloring books, small toys, and tablets preloaded with movies and games to keep little ones occupied on long journeys.
  • First-Aid Kit Plus: Include kid-specific medications like pain relievers and allergy meds, along with insect repellent and sunscreen for children.


  • Double-check baggage allowances: Avoid hefty fees by checking your airline or transportation provider’s baggage restrictions.
  • Laundry on the Go: Pack quick-drying fabrics and consider packing light for destinations with laundry facilities. Bring your own detergent, just in case.
  • Leave Room for Souvenirs: Pack with a little extra space so you can bring back treasures from your trip!

Planning a trip is very exciting. I don’t know about you, but I tend to overpack because I worry about not having something I need. I’ve gotten better at that by using a checklist that keeps me in check and helps make the hard decision on if I need the blue shoes, black shoes or both!

If you want to receive your own copy of the checklist, please sign up for our newsletter. We’ll share exclusive tips and tricks, along with the latest posts you might’ve missed. We look forward to having you.

Feature image is by Melissa Grootes on Unsplash

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