Blog,  Travel

Summer travel is planned! FINALLY.

The last bit of summer travel I did was back in 2019. In a span of a week, I had a work trip to Los Angeles and then a planned sister trip to Savannah. It was mid-August, hot and AMAZING! Then the pandemic shut everything down and I haven’t traveled since then. I’ve missed it so much as I try to take 2-3 trips a year, with an annual trip to Seoul, South Korea.

Well, your girl is back! And just in time for my birthday. As I say, TREAT YO SELF! Here’s what I have planned, and I look forward to sharing the details with you.

Richmond, Virginia

Did you hear? Richmon was voted the #1 town to visit in America. And I’m taking full advantage. It’s a bit of a staycation in the fact that I’m not going out of the state. But there’s so much to do in Virginia that I thought I would go exploring. My fiancĂ© and I will be staying at a cute hotel and then do some fun activities around the city. I don’t want to put too much detail as he reads this blog. Hey Boo!

Munich, Germany

Munich is in my summer plans. This picture is a drawing of the Munich city skyline with a white airplane in the top left hand corner.

Later in the summer, I’m headed to Munich, Germany with my youngest sister. She is a TRAVELER! She’s already taken 3 trips this year. I’ve never been to Germany and it’s on my Bougie Budget list. So, we’ll be headed that way this summer.

I will learn a few key phrases in German. And I’ll create an Essential Travel Phrases and Words ebook in the process. I’ll let you know when it’s available.


Image by wirestock on Freepik

My birthday is 14 days after my eldest sister’s birthday. So, this year we’re doing a joint birthday trip. I could go anywhere but she really wanted beach, tropical, luxury and I’m down! We’ll be staying near the beach, and I can’t wait!

More details to come on my summer travel!

I am really looking forward to these upcoming adventures and I can’t wait to be able to share them with you. I’ll let you know where I stayed, what I ate, what I did and how much everything cost. Because I can’t stand when someone doesn’t include the price of things. Then I’m just imagining for nothing!

Do you have any summer travel plans? Where are you going? If not, where would you like to go?

Main image courtesy of jcomp on Freepik

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